Wednesday, October 25, 2006

It's Our Anniversary, Prov's B-day, Thanksgiving & Christmas!!!!

October 24,2003! 3 years ago I got married to Pam. This year we celebrate our anniversary with our son Micah! It has been a hectic year. In January we moved into our house. In February we found out we were expecting, and here we are with a kid! Wow! God is good. While all that was going on I was recording on and off with 1Way working on our next project Midnight Run, as well as working on and recording my own project. Again God is good!!! The change that has been going on in my life has been hard to keep up with. There have been times where I know for certain that if Christ was not in my life that I would have been buggin for sure! Thanks God He is and thank God I did not. Life as a Dad has been rough but rewarding. Yea it is true that kids change everything, and that you or your life before them will never be the same. The sleep depravity, the sacrifice, the crying for no reason, or at least a reason that has not been discovered yet, it is all true. On the flip side though, when Micah stops and smiles it is all worth it! Thanksgiving was cool this year because it was Micah's first. So that was cool having the fam get together but having him there too! I also celebrated my first birthday as a dad. Another year older and hopefully a lil more wiser. Christmas is always a good time of year for me. This year especially. Now that I am somebody's dad, and I witnessed Micah being born (I literally saw him crowning) I have a new love and awe for God's love for us. The fact the the creator of the universe would lay aside his glory, majesty, and omnipotence to be confined to the helpless human body of a baby is just hard to get my mind around. He cried, needed to be burped, had to have diaper changes, and was under the complete care of Mary & Joseph. They raised Jesus! To me that is amazing. Maybe it took me becoming a dad to finally get that or at least began to get it. Like Mary & Joseph, God entrusted Micah to us, and we are grateful to have him in our lives. So if you happen to stumble across this blog entry, this Christmas think about how Jesus, who always was and will be, for a short 33 years invaded humanity and made himself vulnerable to the human race; so that we could have a shot at eternity with Him. From Us to You Merry CHRISTmas!!!!!!!!


Chelleboogie said...

Oh, my gosh! He's already getting so big! He's beautiful! Maybe I'll see you when I'm down for Christmas holiday. ;)

Cary said...

Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby boy, he is a blessing!!! Please say hello to Pam on my behalf, I am a long time friend from High School. I am very happy for both of you and may you and your families have a blessed Christmas!!