Tuesday, November 04, 2008


I've been thinking about the day after the elections, anxious about the results. I keep thinking, not about who's going to win, but what I will feel when I hear the results. I believe in private ballots and everyone's rights to make their own decisions, so I’m not asking who are you voting for, but rather, what are you voting for?

When you go to vote on the 4th, think about what you'll feel on the 5th... If your guy wins, you'll of course, be happy and excited... but why, because you beat the other guy? Because the guy you didn't want, didn't win? Is that all? On Nov 5th, when your guy wins, will you feel hopeful or optimistic? Will your feel relieved about your future? Will you anticipate change? Will you have a resolve to do your part to make this country better? Will you breathe a sigh of relief? Will you be telling people who didn't vote for your guy, that things are going to be OK?

If your guy loses, what's that feeling you'll feel, fear? Dread? Do you fear that "your worst fear" has come true, that there'll be more of the same, or that things will get worse? Do you really believe that? Put yourself in that moment. If you've just heard that your guy lost, what's that feeling? Why? What do you dread will happen?

Take a moment and think about November 5th and think about what you're really voting for. Are you voting out of fear or out of hope? Does your candidate give you hope about November 5th and the days to come? Does the other candidate fill you with dread for the future of America? Are you fearful? Does your heart sink at the thought of the other guy as president? Is all your focus on why the other guy is wrong for the country? Do you understand the future that your candidate is promising you? Do you personally care or are you just going along with the party? What will your candidate make you feel on Wed? Will you feel hope? Does you candidate give you something to believe? Will your confidence in America's future be restored, reaffirmed or reassured? Bias, party affiliations and bad press aside, think, really think, about what feeling your candidate will bring you on Nov 5th and what you expect from them on Jan 20th.

This email isn't a ploy to talk you onto Obama's bandwagon or scare you into McCain's camp... or vice versa. This is just an email to make you consider what you're really voting for. What do you want? What are you expecting? What will you feel? Think about that moment. Think about your decision. Think about Why. Do your homework. Find out what kind of future your candidate is offering you and your home. Envision that future, and then vote for it. Do what you have to do on Nov 4th at the polls with your vote. Make your decision for what you'll experience on November 5th when one man is chosen.

I hope your candidate, whoever he may be, gives you something to hope for, and not just fear. Ultimately, I hope that your confidence for your future is not in the limited power of any man, but in God. I hope that you pray for whoever is elected President as well as for your Reps and Senators.

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