Sunday, July 05, 2009

Boom TV & Ensuing Madness

On Saturday the music team and myself got to be on TV. The channel was TV 3 and it has show called Boom TV. It is the most watched show in all of Cambodia. An estimated 4.5 million people watch this show. It's a very big deal. So we went for sound check it went well. We were the only Christian group on the show. All the other acts were native and secular at that. Prior to coming here our team leaders told us that the culture was modest and all that stuff but once we came back at show time I was not able to tell that at the station. It was like America. Dudes with saggin pants and chicks in tight fitting gear. It would appear that Hip-Hop has touched Cambodia at least in a fashion sense. In any event when it got to our time to perform we had a great time! We sang I Am A Friend of God, then I did a song from my CD (Get At It), then we did Lord I Give You My heart. After a short commercial break my new friends Melanie & Daud both did their solos and we ended with One Way. It was a great night of worship!
So today we got to walk around what is know as the Russian Market. We were done shopping and heading toward our vans and 10 yards away I saw a dude waving at me or at least I thought it was me. The vendors here are kind of aggressive here and then I thought maybe it's not me he is waving at. As I got closer he said to me, "Hey did I you on TV 3 last night! I politely said yea shook his hand and found my team (who spread the story around all day of how I had a fan).It was very surreal. I am blessed to be on a very talented team of musicians & singers and happy to be doing God's work here in Cambodia.

Stay tuned for video!

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