Saturday, December 05, 2009

The Sweet Spot

There is just something about this time of year that makes it the best time of the year, my favorite time of the year. If I could I would put the day before Thanksgiving up until New Year's Day on repeat and let it play the rest of my life. The weather would be ideal (especially here in Soflo), hurricane season would not exist, and I would be always eating that incredible Thanksgiving Day spread that the fam always has (plus leftovers)! That would indeed be ideal. But life doesn't work that way. At 12:01 AM on Friday morning Thanksgiving Thursday turns into Black Friday, and then it is a slow continuous fade till New Years Day. The magic disappears and the only reminder that it was ever here in the first place are the holiday lights that the neighbors leave up far too long. Such is the ebb and flow of life I guess. I get that but I don't have to like it. Lol. But still if there was a repeat button, I would be ready to push it come 11:59 AM on December 31st.

1 comment:

R-U-Blazin4JESUS? said...

Proverb! Praise Him 'til you drop!
Keep pressin' on for the glory of Christ! He alone is worthy!

Stay ablaze for Jesus!
Jeff from NY